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Procedure rTMS treatment


If you have questions regarding the rTMS program or the rTMS treatment please contact us. We are happy to answer all your questions.




When you contact TMS Center Europe we will invite you for a quick-scan intake (30 minutes) by telephone. During the quick-scan our therapists will have to fully understand your complaints and mental condition. The therapist can give you a good estimate of the success rate of the treatment, based on the quick-scan. Not every form of depression or OCD is treated with the same success rate. For example bipolar depression shows less promising results. Read more about the treatment conditions here.

Questionnaire and contract

When you wish to start with the rTMS program you will first receive an email with the intake questionnaire and the treatment contract wherein you can read the terms and conditions. The quick-scan and email are free of costs and without obligation towards TMS Center Europe. When we received the signed treatment contract we will start planning  the treament.